Smart Lease helps you find the best Skoda Kamiq leasing deals from from approved suppliers. You can compare Skoda Kamiq leasing offers and then tailor the deal to suit you best, by altering the length of lease, the amount of initial payment and your annual mileage. And all our Skoda Kamiq lease cars come with free delivery.
£2,283.60 + VAT
£228.3636 MONTHS
£1,829.47 + VAT
£243.9336 MONTHS
£1,308.89 + VAT
£261.7736 MONTHS
£706.09 + VAT
£282.4348 MONTH LEASE
£2,263.99 + VAT
£226.4048 MONTHS
£1,788.96 + VAT
£238.5248 MONTHS
£1,260.10 + VAT
£252.0248 MONTHS
£667.82 + VAT
£267.14Skoda Kamiq SE Automatic Car Leasing Offers Terms:
Skoda Kamiq SE Car Leasing prices based on business or Skoda Kamiq personal car leasing over 48 / 36 Months.
*Prices are based on 8,000 Miles pa. ( We can re quote from 8,000 - 40,000 Miles per annum )
*Please Click Below For A Free Skoda Kamiq Leasing Quote.
In all cases Smart Lease are acting as a credit broker and not a lender.
Smart Lease is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority.
Consumer Credit Interim Permission is 648780.
All lease car contracts are based on finance contracts and as such come with a few points to note. Firstly failure to keep up to date with payments may result in a charge from the finance provider. Secondly, cancellations may result in a fee being incurred. Thirdly, Initial Payments are typically taken just after you take delivery of the car (not is all cases) and is part of the finance rental (not refundable)
Leasing pricing is correct as of time of publication. We reserve the right to withdraw any offer, service or price without notice. Errors and omissions excepted.